Accredited tax representation corporations in brief

An accredited real estate tax representation company has the required permanent authorization, and can therefore carry out all the tax transactions that its client needs in terms of its real estate gains from the sale. TEVEA International has this accreditation and the guarantees necessary to offer service to companies and individuals.

What is an accredited tax representation corporation?

A tax representation company is said to be accredited when it has received the permanent approval of the administration, in this case the General Directorate of Public Finance. As such, the company may represent a company or an individual established outside the European Union who sells real estate in France and carry out for that customer all the required fiscal formalities. It is no longer necessary to submit an application for accreditation for each operation.

To check whether a company is accredited, it is possible to consult the list with the competent services. Otherwise, the Official Bulletin of the Public Finance-Taxes also lists these establishments in its section dedicated to the appointment of a tax representative, the texts being available on the website. In principle, each company is supposed to mention whether it is accredited or not, but a control is necessary to avoid unpleasant surprises.

By using such a service provider, you benefit from an efficient service without waiting for the accreditation procedures, and accreditation is also a guarantee of professionalism, as it is normally only granted to companies competent in this matter and With the necessary guarantees to exercise the activity of tax representative.

The services offered

An accredited tax representation company is liable to the tax authorities for the payment of its client's reporting obligations. This commitment concerns mainly the financial aspect, because the intervention of a representative serves firstly to guarantee the payment of the tax on the surplus value that will have been calculated by his care.

More specifically, real estate tax representation consists of:
  • Analyze the documents related to the assignment, the quality of the assignor, any work carried out
  • Validate the application or not of exemption cases
  • Calculate the taxable gain and taxation
  • Establish the corresponding surplus value statement
  • Respond to requests from the tax authorities for the 3 years following the year of assignment

TEVEA International, accredited tax representative

If you are looking for an accredited tax representation company, TEVEA International is among those with permanent approval granted by the tax authorities.

Our know-how is based on the expertise and experience of our team of multilingual tax professionals. Our certification OPQCM has sanctioned our efforts on the quality of the services offered.

TEVEA International places the client at the center of its approach, prior to any recommendation or intervention by a detailed study of its situation. Our objective is to provide personalized, concrete and operational responses that can be divided into several areas: advice, assistance, training and tax representation.
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